We have an on site Phlebologist to measure and fit each patient for compression stockings and custom fitted bracing.
There come a time in everyone's life when their body and legs do not perform as it should. Varicose veins and swelling of the legs are a common problem that comes with age, hereditary and prolong standing and sitting.
Many people hear the words compression stockings and immediately think" I'm too young for those!" What they don't realize is, no matter your age or activity level, compression stockings can provide immense benefits to many people. Compression stockings assist in circulation by helping push blood and fluids out of you legs. They create a "pressure gradient" by fitting snugly around the ankle and tapering off the pressure towards the top of the sock. This creates better venous pressure, and prevents swelling and increased fatigue after a long lady of work or activity.
We offer many types of custom fitted bracing, these includes:
We carry a wide variety of name brand stockings and fitted bracing for your comfort